HPCIA March 2025 Community Meeting

Mark your calendars to join your Home Park neighbors  at a community meeting on Wednesday, March 19th. This will be an in person meeting.   We will have three special guests join us including  District 9 Councilmember Dustin Hillis, District 3 Councilmember Byron Amos and Atlanta Police Department Zone 5 Commander, Major Christian Hunt.  Each will provide updates and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.  HPCIA will also provide updates on happenings in the neighborhood including:

  • Efforts to mitigate Short Term Rental activity in Home Park
  • GDOT’s 14th Street revamp
  • City of Atlanta Zoning 2.0 and Plan A – follow up to the July 2024 HPCIA community meeting @ the two programs that may change zoning and comprehensive development uses for the neighborhood
  • Update for new park efforts in Home Park

We hope you can join us.  The meeting will be held at the Atlanta Christian Church, 1095 State Street NW, Home Park. It will start at 7pm.

February HPCIA Planning & Development Committee Mtg

The HPCIA Community Planning & Development Committee Meeting meets on   the fourth Wednesday of each month.  This month’s meeting will be held  at the Atlanta Christian Church at 1095 State Street (about 200 feet south of 14th Street – parking lot and entrance from Hunerkopf Street).

This month we will be finalizing the Home Park Identity Statement, and hearing reports from our committees/teams:  Parks, Short Term Rentals, Transportation, Events, and Zoning.  Please come to our February meeting to learn more about and/or to join one of these committees/teams.

August 2023 HPCIA Land Use Committee (LUC) Meeting

There are three agenda items for the August Land Use meeting. One of them will be voted on and the other two are for discussion.

  1. Muchacho restaurant at 1145 Hemphill Avenue has submitted an application for a liquor license.  This will be voted on.
  2. 454 Ethel Street Variance:   We will  discuss a variance request for a new single family home to be built at 454 Ethel Street. The owner is seeking the reduction of yard setbacks for a non-conforming lot and a parking variance per  SPI-8 . There is no application at this time so no vote will be taken.  This evening will allow time for questions and discussion.
  3. 991 Hampton Street:  This home has been purchased and the new owner is looking to fully  demolish the existing building and build a  3 bedroom/3 Bath, 3 story duplex for rent w/6 parking spaces behind it. He may also remove a tree. He would like to present a short presentation to the land use committee to discuss his plans and answer any questions.  As of now, there is no application yet, so no vote. This is for informational purposes only.

Zoom Meeting info:  https://taylorenglish.zoom.us/j/84255758938?pwd=SFhmTGRvYVhCMVpKa0E0UG5DSFJndz09

Meeting ID: 842 5575 8938
Passcode: 887841


June 2023 HPCIA Land Use Committee meeting

HPCIA will hold a Land Use meeting on June 20th, 2023 at 7 pm via Zoom.  We have one item on the agenda for a vote for a New Business alcohol license for a restaurant.  The applicant is  Pelicana Chicken at 420 14th Street, Ste 100A.  The application can be viewed here.

We recommend you review the application and drive by the site before you attend the meeting.

Zoom information can be found here. Join us on the 20th!

March 2023 HPCIA Land Use Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, March 21st starting at 7pm.  We have two agenda items this month.


  • Alcohol License Application for a New Business- Toast on Lenox – Midtown,  349 14th Street  TOAST APPLICATION
  • Alcohol License Application for a Change of Ownership – Spice House – Midtown, 375 14th Street    SPICE HOUSE APPLICATION


Meeting will be by Zoom at the following link:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84195542381