Membership Checkout

Any new member will remain in a pending/probationary period for three months from date of application and until membership is successfully validated based on confirmation of membership eligibility requirements. A pending member who has paid dues in full shall be required to provide proof of eligibility to successfully move to an active member status.

Membership Information

You have selected the New Member - Resident Non-Landowner (lives within HP boundaries) membership level.

  • This is an individual membership not a household membership
  • Individuals that reside in Home Park (i.e., renters, cohabitant) at least 2 years  but are not a homeowner/residential landowner are eligible for this  membership level

The price for membership is $70.00 per Year after your 90 day trial.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?

Billing Address

Shipping Address